Saturday, February 8, 2025
big hero six disney marvel anime movie film
FeaturedFilm / Television / MediaNew

BIG HERO 6 – Official Teaser Trailer

I have to say I laughed more than once at this trailer.

“Inspired by the Marvel comics of the same name” is how Disney describes the story… whatever that means. Usually in the past when Disney says that it means “we threw out all the good parts and added the parts that will help us merchandize the living hell out of this story” but who knows—- I’m still not seeing what I had hoped for when John Lasseter supposedly took command at Disney Animation.

Big Hero 6  is directed by Don Hall (“Winnie the Pooh” is that something to be proud of?) and Chris Williams (“Bolt”), and produced by Roy Conli (“Tangled”).

#bighero6   #disney

the authorK.B.

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