Michael Arndt was named as the sole writer of the new Star Wars flick back in 2012, (He’s written the screenplay for Hunger Games: Catching Fire and won an Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine) and is still said to be working on the stories and outlines for the next two Star Wars films but he’s been replaced on the first of them by none other than director JJ Abrams and legendary screenwriter / Director LAWRENCE KASDAN.
Kasden, as I’m sure everyone knows, wrote EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, SILVERADO and wrote/directed The Big Chill, Silverado, Body Heat and Grand Canyon and is a welcome addition to the film(s).
This brings up something I’ve said for years: George Lucas, you got money piled up in the bank so why didn’t you throw a few million at Lawrence Kasdan and BEG him to rewrite the horrible prequel scripts? WHY? You were smart enough back in the day to bring in Lawrence Kasdan to write EMPIRE and hand over directing and writing to other people back then but you couldn’t do it for the prequels???
This also brings up a question: what’s going wrong with Arndt and his work? I’m guessing his script wasn’t coming together and Abrams reached out to Kasdan to fix it.
Anyway… the further Lucas stays from these films the better chance they won’t be stinking piles of crap like the prequels.